Stocking distributor of Electronic Components
Part Number Manufacturer Description Unit Price
MLH01KPSB01A Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 1000 PSI (6894.76 kPa) Sealed Gauge Male - 1/4" (6.35mm) NPT 0.5 V ~ 4.5 V Cylinder, Metal Check
MLH150PGB06G Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 150 PSI (1034.21 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 1/8" (3.18mm) NPT 1 V ~ 5 V Cylinder, Metal Check
MLH500PSP06B Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 500 PSI (3447.38 kPa) Sealed Gauge Male - 1/8" (3.18mm) NPT 4 mA ~ 20 mA Cylinder, Metal Check
MLH100PGL09B Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 100 PSI (689.48 kPa) Vented Gauge Female - 7/16" (11.11mm) UNF Schrader 4 mA ~ 20 mA Cylinder, Metal Check
MLH03KPGB01B Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 3000 PSI (20684.27 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 1/4" (6.35mm) NPT 4 mA ~ 20 mA Cylinder, Metal Check
MLH500PSL09B Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 500 PSI (3447.38 kPa) Sealed Gauge Female - 7/16" (11.11mm) UNF Schrader 4 mA ~ 20 mA Cylinder, Metal Check
89-03KA-0U TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays Pressure Sensor 3000 PSI (20684.27 kPa) Absolute 0 mV ~ 208 mV Cylinder Check
MLH500PSL06A Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 500 PSI (3447.38 kPa) Sealed Gauge Male - 1/8" (3.18mm) NPT 0.5 V ~ 4.5 V Cylinder, Metal Check
LM31-00000F-015PG TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays Pressure Sensor 15 PSI (103.42 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 1/2" (12.7mm) NPT 0.5 V ~ 4.5 V Cylinder Check
89BSD-006BA-A TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays Pressure Sensor 87.02 PSI (600 kPa) Absolute Male - 5/16" (7.94mm) UNEF 24 b Cylinder Check
SCX100AN Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 100 PSI (689.48 kPa) Absolute Male - 0.19" (4.8mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 100 mV (12V) 6-SIP Module Check
SCX15AN Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 15 PSI (103.42 kPa) Absolute Male - 0.19" (4.8mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 90 mV (12V) 6-SIP Module Check
NSCSHHN100PDUNV Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor ±100 PSI (±689.48 kPa) Differential Male - 0.16" (3.94mm) Tube, Dual 0 mV ~ 172.5 mV (5V) 4-SIP, Dual Ports, Same Side Check
ASDXRRX030PGAA5 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 30 PSI (206.84 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.09" (2.31mm) Tube, Dual 0.5 V ~ 4.5 V 8-DIP Module Check
SCX100DN Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 100 PSI (689.48 kPa) Differential Male - 0.19" (4.8mm) Tube, Dual 0 mV ~ 100 mV (12V) 6-SIP Module Check
NSCSHHN015PDUNV Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor ±15 PSI (±103.42 kPa) Differential Male - 0.16" (3.94mm) Tube, Dual 0 mV ~ 155 mV (5V) 4-SIP, Dual Ports, Same Side Check
77343-04.0HG-01 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 1.96 PSI (13.546 kPa) Switch Male - 1/8" (3.18mm) NPT Cylinder Check
SDX005IND4 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 0.18 PSI (1.25 kPa) Differential Male - 0.09" (2.3mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 20 mV (12V) 6-DIP Module Check
SSCMANN060PG2A3 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 60 PSI (413.69 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.19" (4.93mm) Tube 12 b 8-SMD, J-Lead, Top Port Check
SSCDANT030PG2A3 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 30 PSI (206.84 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.19" (4.93mm) Tube 12 b 8-DIP (0.524", 13.30mm), Top Port Check
PX2EG1XX001BAAAX Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 14.5 PSI (100 kPa) Absolute Male - 1/4" (6.35mm) BSPP 0.5 V ~ 4.5 V Cylinder Check
SSCMNNN015PA2A3 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 15 PSI (103.42 kPa) Absolute 12 b 8-SMD, J-Lead Check
SDX100G2 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 100 PSI (689.48 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.11" (2.67mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 100 mV (12V) 6-DIP Module Check
PX2EN1XX250PSCHX Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 250 PSI (1723.69 kPa) Sealed Gauge Male - 1/4" (6.35mm) NPT 4 mA ~ 20 mA Cylinder Check
SSCMRRN060MDSA5 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor ±0.87 PSI (±6 kPa) Differential Male - 0.08" (1.93mm) Tube, Dual 12 b 8-SMD, J-Lead, Dual Ports, Same Side Check
SDX15A4 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 15 PSI (103.42 kPa) Absolute Male - 0.09" (2.28mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 90 mV (12V) 6-DIP Module Check
5 INCH-D-MV All Sensors Corporation Pressure Sensor 0.18 PSI (1.25 kPa) Differential Male - 0.19" (4.8mm) Tube, Dual 0 mV ~ 20 mV (12V) 6-SIP Module Check
26PCCFH6G Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor ±15 PSI (±103.42 kPa) Compound Male - M5 0 mV ~ 100 mV (10V) 4-SIP Module Check
1230-015D-3S TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays Pressure Sensor 15 PSI (103.42 kPa) Differential Male - 0.13" (3.18mm) Tube, Dual 0 mV ~ 100 mV 8-DIP Module Check
SDX100G2-A Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 100 PSI (689.48 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.11" (2.67mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 100 mV (12V) 6-DIP Module Check
26PCFFH2G Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor ±100 PSI (±689.48 kPa) Compound Male - M5 0 mV ~ 100 mV (10V) 4-SIP Module Check
15 PSI-A-HGRADE-MINI All Sensors Corporation Pressure Sensor 15 PSI (103.42 kPa) Absolute 0 mV ~ 90 mV (12V) 4-SIP Module Check
SDX15A2-A Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 15 PSI (103.42 kPa) Absolute Male - 0.11" (2.67mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 90 mV (12V) 6-DIP Module Check
26PCFFA2G Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor ±100 PSI (±689.48 kPa) Compound Male - 0.2" (5.08mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 100 mV (10V) 4-DIP Module Check
HSCMANN100PGAA3 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 100 PSI (689.48 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.19" (4.93mm) Tube 0.33 V ~ 2.97 V 8-SMD, J-Lead, Top Port Check
0.3 PSI-GF-HGRADE-MINI All Sensors Corporation Pressure Sensor 0.3 PSI (2.07 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.18" (4.57mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 20 mV (12V) 4-SIP Module Check
26PCCFB6G Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor ±15 PSI (±103.42 kPa) Compound Male - 0.18" (4.57mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 100 mV (10V) 4-SIP Module Check
HSCDANN060PGSA3 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 60 PSI (413.69 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.19" (4.93mm) Tube 12 b 8-DIP (0.524", 13.30mm), Top Port Check
ASDXRRX010NGAA5 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 0.36 PSI (2.49 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.09" (2.31mm) Tube, Dual 0.5 V ~ 4.5 V 8-DIP Module Check
1210A-015D-3L TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays Pressure Sensor 15 PSI (103.42 kPa) Differential Male - 0.13" (3.23mm) Tube, Dual 0 mV ~ 100 mV 8-DIP Module Check
SXP15ASMTP Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 15 PSI (103.42 kPa) Absolute Male - 0.08" (2.05mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 112.5 mV (5V) 8-SMD Module Check
1220A-100G-3N TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays Pressure Sensor 100 PSI (689.48 kPa) Vented Gauge 0 mV ~ 50 mV 8-DIP Module Check
TBPDANS030PGUCV Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 30 PSI (206.84 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.11" (2.74mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 26.25 mV (5V) 4-DIP (0.453", 11.50mm), Top Port Check
NSCSSNN100PAUNV Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 100 PSI (689.48 kPa) Absolute 0 mV ~ 63 mV (5V) 4-SIP Module Check
TBPDANS001PGUCV Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 1 PSI (6.89 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.11" (2.74mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 7.5 mV (5V) 4-DIP (0.453", 11.50mm), Top Port Check
NSCSMNN001PDUNV Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor ±1 PSI (±6.89 kPa) Differential 0 mV ~ 65 mV (5V) 4-SIP Module Check
TBPMANN150PGUCV Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 150 PSI (1034.21 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.11" (2.74mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 45.75 mV (5V) 6-SMD, No Lead, Top Port Check
NSCSSNN005PDUNV Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor ±5 PSI (±34.47 kPa) Differential 0 mV ~ 150 mV (5V) 4-SIP Module Check
NBPDANN150PGUNV Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 150 PSI (1034.21 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.08" (1.91mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 130 mV (5V) 4-DIP (0.453", 11.50mm), Top Port Check
NBPLANN030PGUNV Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions Pressure Sensor 30 PSI (206.84 kPa) Vented Gauge Male - 0.11" (2.74mm) Tube 0 mV ~ 105 mV (5V) 6-SMD, No Lead, Top Port Check